SWOT has been one of the fundamental concepts of management, soft skills, and self-analysis. Those who have transitioned from the old school to the modern world will recall how we used to make this four-box thing with plans. Now the value of this analysis has increased multi-fold. But, as the world has experienced a swift change in its approach towards life, 'THREATS' have become CHALLENGES.
NEP and the SDGs - Are we Ready for SDG4BW?
The Sustainable Development Goals given to the world by the United Nations are based on what we need to survive in a better world. In the Agenda 2030, there are 17 Global Goals and there is a majority of activists and artivists supporting this mission. The National Education Policy 2020 (INDIA) has mentioned the SDGs and has given a call to align education in India to these goals. The ball is in the classroom court now! Are we ready to align to the intent and the demands of SDG awareness?
Being wise is synonymous with being a teacher. You manage minds, not the students. They look up to you not as an ideal but as any other fellow learner. This is what I have felt. Do not idolise yourself because you are a teacher. be normal - live normal but teach special. However, it is more important to know - HOW NOT TO TEACH!
IGRAASP Children Friendly News
IGRAASP, started by four ladies, popularly known as Mompreneurs — Priya Wadhwan, Gayatri Luthra, Shikha Sharma Chaturvedi, and Ruchi Mitroo — is a weekly news wrap, hosted on YouTube and anchored by school children. It has been specially designed for children and their families to provide them with child-friendly content.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
The time is here and now. If we all can think in harmony and for decency in the life of every citizen of the world, life can become sustainable. Survival can become a second priority then. Being together in this mission, especially for everyone in education is important.
Kevin in the Classroom and the Magic in Learning
They insist that he must be in front of their eyes. Some of them ensure that Kevin is looking towards them and is well settled at the table, though far away from them. A few have started insisting to bring him out of the bag otherwise he will get suffocated. This is the Minion - the one whom I introduced as Kevin and now the students say, he is more pleasant to talk to. Let me share with you how this started and where it is headed!
When I wrote to Nick Middleton and he responded
This blog is about the e-mail that I wrote to Nick Middleton and the reply he sent. What makes it special is the motivation behind this 'random initiative' and the surprising response as well. Nick is the author of a chapter 'Silk Road' which is in the prescribed curriculum by CBSE in English of Grade XI in India. I am an educator of the subject at Wisdom World School here.
When I wrote to Evelyn Glennie and she responded
I am a teacher to school children now. Shifting from HigherEd to training teachers across the country and then landing in the K-12 classrooms has not changed much in me and for me. The intent is the same: engage and empower. To deliver the message of authenticity and communication, I have interacted with every possible thing - be it students, resources, technology, books and even the chapter authors.
Do not be a Generation of Cheaters!
The Corona batches of students will become cheaters in their lives if they do not realise that the COVID-sponsored ease is deceptive. The competitive world that they are going to enter will be brutal. The jobs are not going to come as gifts and cakes. The struggle that awaits them is not an alien thing. What they need to possess are personal integrity and enterprising acumen.