Communication Snapshot - Most Important Things to Note

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Communication is what it does! And what it does is actually the most important thing in life. It forges relations and establishes our presence in personal and professional domains. People say that it is impossible to ‘NOT Communicate’ and this stands true when we see such a big world connected with each other. Communication is also called the driving force of life.

If there was no communication, there would have been no life at all. Communication is better defined and understood when we accept life as communication. Yes! Life is only about Communication.

It is only human beings who can communicate so strongly that our languages and feelings are limitless. We speak or suggest by facial expressions. Animals or any other living being is unable to do this.

The power to communicate makes us superior to all species present in the universe. So, we all should learn and preserve this faculty of communication given to us by nature.

To understand the Concept of Communication, we need to know that the word itself means ‘Exchange of Ideas and Thoughts’. The fundamental purpose of Communication is to express our feelings and thoughts.

Meaning: Communication means, in simple words, an exchange of ideas and information between two or more people for a purpose. Communication can be better explained as an integral activity in our life that happens even if when we are unwilling to communicate.

Definition of Communication: “Communication is the transfer of information from a Sender to a Receiver, with the information being understood by the receiver.”

Features/Characteristics of Communication:

  1. It is a Two-way Process. There is always a Sender and a Receiver in the Communication Process. People say Communication is a Two WAY Traffic.
  2. Omni-present: Communication is present at all levels of life and work. From birth to death, we all communicate. Even when we see that everybody is silent, still there is communication. So Communication is Present Everywhere.
  3. It is mainly of Two Types- Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
  4. Communication is always done for a Purpose. There is always an Objective of communication. It certainly achieves something, even if that is the failure of the message.
  5. Perfect Communication is NEVER possible in practice. It means that our communication shall not get us the intended results in all situation. It depends on many factors whether our communication and efforts will get us the desired results or not.
  6. You cannot understand without Your Willingness to Understand.
  7. Communication is always ‘Contextual’. There is always some situation or context for it to happen and exist.
  8. It is a short-lived process. One subject or problem can have many part and types of communication. It is like asking someone how he is feeling and then asking them about their work. These look like different contexts and communications.
  9. Communication Removes Misunderstanding. Any kind of misunderstanding can be eliminated through regular and honest communication.

There are Three things that we do through Communication. It means that there are Three Purposes/Motives/Objectives of Communication:

  1. To Inform:  This is the first role that Commination plays. For ages, one purpose of talking or writing to someone is just to INFORM. Transfer of Information, Facts etc. This Function can be seen when we are reading data given to us in the form of gazette or result sheets. We just come to know. Our opinion is not influenced by the writer or speaker.
  2. To Persuade: This is the Most Important Function that Communication has. To persuade is considered the modern-day purpose of any transfer of information or opinion. We try to impress others and want them to agree to our views. To do this, we make messages and sometimes manipulate them as well. Persuasion is the most important thing in Business and Management. The whole of Marketing depends on whether we are able to do achieve this purpose of communication or not.
  3. To Entertain: This has to be understood beyond the narrow meaning we know. Entertainment is not about getting something entertaining and just clapping or paying for that. ‘To Entertain’ means, on the COMMUNICATOR’s SIDE, to Develop Communication, Messages, Information and even Emotions that will ‘ENGAGE’ the Receiver. We need to remember that the Communication Process has a Receiver at the end of the whole process. If the Receiver does not agree to receive the message, we cannot do anything to make communication happen. Hence, to TAKE CARE of the

Communication plays different roles in our life. It is present everywhere and thus remains important. Some of the selected Roles and Functions of Communication are:

(These are also related to the Importance of Communication.)

  1. The growth of the World is Possible through Communication.
  2. In this age of specialization and complexities, we need communication as a tool to connect people.
  3. For Understanding and Cooperation in all fields of Life and Work, Communication is the need.
  4. Makes Education possible.
  5. Helps us Grow Culturally and Socially
  6. Facilitates Exchange of Knowledge and Literature
  7. Connects People and Make them Share their Views
  8. Communication also has Political as well as Administrative Role.
  9. The Knowledge about Science and Technology is shared.
  10. Commerce and Business Grow through Communication.



About the Author
Author: Parveen Sharma Website:
'You Create Yourself' is the belief that drives EklavyaParv! It is a Life Long Learning Mission with firm belief in the philosophy of Eklavyaism. We share learning on Communication Skills, EdTech, Life Skills, Blended & Innovative Learning and Insights about Career, Skills and Lifelong learning. Founded by Parveen Sharma, EklavyaParv is part of various pioneering initiatives like EduSoMedia, EduPodcasts, PodMOOCs and Skill-ogy. He is a faculty of English, Communication Skills with globally acknowledged expertise in EdTech and Innovative Teaching. You can listen to his podcasts on all leading platforms.