Ask not what your country does for you; ask what you do for your country! Representing the heart of each part of the land which is free and is a sovereign nation, this quotation by Abraham Lincon is a celebration in itself.
There is a Mousetrap in the House
Reciprocity is one of my favourite words that I always wish to write or speak about. To return the goodness shall definitely be something natural to a human. But, there have been things that show us the otherwise side of life. People around get to believe an age-old failed premise that one can grow by crushing the skulls of others.
What is EklavyaParv
Eklavya is known to us in a very honest manner. He is an epitome of You Create YourSelf! There are no questions about his 'ethics or deeds' in comparison to the other legendary characters in the epic Mahabharata. He does stand in contrast to Arjuna, but we forget him once the story moves away to bloodshed.
How to Teach Stories to Graduates
Literature defines and defies us in many ways. It recommends our lifestyle and various schools of thought and at the same time, it rejects the ways of the world as well. It might mock the world or stand for it. It may cross the line and hail someone as a superhero.
Knowing the Writer Bhagat Singh
Bhagat Singh, the legend who re-defined Patriotism and Love for the Motherland in his own terms is as much unknown as he is popular among masses. What we know of him, seems to be the tip of the iceberg. I read a few pages of his works and felt that I really need to know him more.
An Ode to Library!
A library is a sacred place that one starts feeling like contributing to the place. This is true for those who have been blessed with a good relationship with the Library. This might be a memory from the school days or the college life, Library remains something 'very own'.
Why Fail the Future
Being futuristic is common to human. We anticipate; imagine: expect and dream. In the run to the virtual fulfilment of the mirage, we sometimes miss the punch of rationality. Once, this self-inflicted procrastination is inflicted upon education, we should be aware of the repercussions and the remedies.
Diary of a Teacher who Teaches English
Language is for sure a conspiracy between two people. It is also a medium that evolves with the people and their participation. It gets life when we want to share experiences through language. The lack of experiences or the urge not to speak and share leads to the existence of weak Language Skills in English.
Career Kaushal
Careers are unpredictable for two reasons, firstly, there are new verticals and domains coming up; secondly, we have choices to make and passions to pursue. If careers are unpredictable; should we remain unprepared?
Shatter The Status Quo
Be a Rebel who knows that surrendering to the status quo will result in nothing. One who does not add to the future by bringing a change towards good is living a life for nothing. 'Formulate your own ideas' is the call that Bhagat Singh makes and we feel he is assigning us a tough one.
Experiments with English in the Classroom
Language cannot be taught; language is learnt! This is the realisation that is dominating the sessions these days. I am raising this disclaimer high when it comes to teaching English to the graduates. They have a need and a huge amount of expectations that we are to fulfil.
What is Eklavyaism: Eklavyaism is YOU!
Eklavya-ism is a concept in learning by self. This is a principle that denotes ‘self-learning’ and ‘self-perfectionism’. It is learning by observation too. In the absence of the teacher, the disciple learns by himself.
Train Your Team and Win
The greatest investment you can make is in people. The people who work for you and with you are the actual drivers of progress than the profit margins you keep on counting. A Businessman has options to invest in people or papers. One who trusts in the sustainability of skills goes for the people and the progress on papers also follows.
Resolving the New Year Resolutions
The New Year brings vibrations of positivity as well as togetherness. Millions, who otherwise skip connecting, send their wishes across boundaries and borders. What is so special about this thing called, NEW YEAR?
Introducing Communication Psychology to the World
We are what we communicate. Our messages can go by any media but the composition of the message matters the most. Not just the handwriting, tone, pitch or intonation, but there are many other aspects that affect our communication. The Mind is what we need to master to make our communication victorious. We bring to you the first mention of Communication Psychology.
My Experiments with English Grammar
Role of Grammar in learning English has to be discussed as well as debated. Learners fear the grammar of a second language as something which shall stop them from mastering the language.
Trust Your Students!
For some reason known to the intellect, I trust the students I teach or I have taught. There is a guarantee that I shall continue to maintain trust in them. This species, called students, has been classified into many different labels.
Eklavyaism and Parveen
The Epic "Mahabharata' is being considered the comprehensive description of the life of this planet with talks of everything that comes our way from birth to death. From System to Sentiments, from Rulers to Ruled, from Work to War and from Antagonism to Approvals, 'Mahabharata tells about all.