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A Teacher always learns. The time of teaching is also the time to learn for the individual who is given the most significant task of moulding the lives of thousands in a single year. This series of posts on social media and this blog is based on the experiences that have made me feel like a confident teacher. I invite you to this Post No. 07, shared below:

Formula to Succeed and Successfully Fail: The temptation to keep every student pleased and appreciative of you is the worst possible thing we should aim at. Why would I say so? Because a teacher with heterogenous and personally unknown human beings in the classroom cannot guarantee to captivate everyone. So, the formula to succeed is ‘not available’ but the sure shot formula to FAIL in Impressing the Students is ‘Try to Please Everyone’.

I remember one of my very senior and accomplished leaders at the organisation telling us that if you get too perfect feedback from students, that means it is fake and never to be trusted. How come you never troubled them and made them walk the extra miles which must let them say you haven’t been a ‘good’ teacher?

Taking the cue, I see that I must create uneasiness and even some manipulated sadness sometimes. Emotional Intelligence won’t come on its own if we let them trapped just in the curriculum cage. The roller-coaster that a teacher can create is crucial for the process of maturing their behaviour. Don’t allow them to be sorry for being themselves. Being liberal will be challenging and some students who are yet to see how ‘life’ works, will be unhappy or even critical; you need to live with that as this dissatisfaction will let you know that change is happening.

Do not take criticism to heart because you know yourself better than the kids sitting in front of you. A slogan: ‘I am the best teacher!’ will lead you to make them go for ‘We are the Best Students!’ When the newest team gets to ground against the strongest of the teams in the world, they need to BELIEVE that they are in their BEST VERSION. So, it is mutual, you take your best to the classroom to evoke their best.

This is risky, it comes at a cost. You will often have very strange and imbalanced situations to manage. But, as a teacher, you are also a ‘doctor’ who needs to go bitter-sweet, strict-soft and sad-happy to make them see that you also get hurt and you can also be ‘overwhelmed’ if they support you.

Be the one who takes them to ‘Analyse’ you for good and bad, at least this will make them possess a POV (Point of View) in life. But, you stay away from this- Do not Make and Carry Judgements about your students -  - - because their time will change and you will have to change your judgements!!!

There has to be a consistent check on your consistency to practice your teaching styles. There can be a day to start the class with your own ideas, some stories, examples from case studies, and questions to the students. 

P.S. A Teacher should learn from every feedback and like a good player, must bounce back with corrections. Keep your spirits and belief in your methods. You shall evolve with time so there is no need to wear a mask that you ultimately have to throw off. Learn from those who have been your teachers.

About the Author
Author: Parveen Sharma Website:
'You Create Yourself' is the belief that drives EklavyaParv! It is a Life Long Learning Mission with firm belief in the philosophy of Eklavyaism. We share learning on Communication Skills, EdTech, Life Skills, Blended & Innovative Learning and Insights about Career, Skills and Lifelong learning. Founded by Parveen Sharma, EklavyaParv is part of various pioneering initiatives like EduSoMedia, EduPodcasts, PodMOOCs and Skill-ogy. He is a faculty of English, Communication Skills with globally acknowledged expertise in EdTech and Innovative Teaching. You can listen to his podcasts on all leading platforms.