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What makes your communication impressive? What Makes You an Impressive Communicator? What are the Credentials of Effective Communication?

Communication is said to be based on 7 C’s. These 07 Credentials are:

  1. Courtesy
  2. Clarity
  3. Conciseness
  4. Completeness
  5. Concreteness
  6. Consideration
  7. Correctness

These 7 C’s of Communication have been explained in much detail for those who have been studying Communication. While working with students on the concept of essentials of effective communication, I felt that there is a set of three, which seems to work for me when it comes to delivering a successful and sustained communication. The same has worked in the perfect way for those who have mentored me.  It is said that ‘Communication is what it does.’ And it should do exactly what we call 'effective'.

These 03 Credentials are more in work than others and without these, a set of sentences – written or spoken- may not end up to the intended response.

  1. Credibility
  2. Consideration
  3. Clarity

Consistency does have a place very near to the Trinity but it seems to be an effect that can be achieved once we follow the three goals. Consistency is inherent in credibility.

Credibility: Trustworthiness, isn’t it? That the one we assign with something shall fulfil the expectations. The words that we use in our communication shall not be agonised or jostled by anything from the ‘misconception or prejudice’ cult. Credibility has an interesting connotation. Assume that you need some help in terms of money and you ask one of your closest- Most Trusted – friend for help. It is conveyed that you urgently need that amount. He appears in an hour with the money and you complete your shopping at the mall. You are back home after sharing a meal with the ‘Credible’ friend. For a week you don’t hear from him and then found that he is extremely busy at the office doing over-time.

You wonder as to what made him do the over-time for some amount of money. You got hold of him and insisted on knowing was there some problem. He disclosed that he had borrowed money that day from someone and has to return soon. You wonder and shout at him because he did not tell you the truth. The truth that at that time of the day, he was not having any money. You object to this kind of ‘Friendliness and TRUST’ because you feel, his CREDIBILITY does include telling you what is possible and What Not.

In this case, Credibility has two sides. One is to come up with supportive version and the other is to present the picture in true colours. You trust them and they will prove to be trustworthy are two aspects of credibility actually. Remember that you can demand a repeat of your presence once people consider you credible enough to be given time. For this, you have to be true to them, to your own self as well. 

Consideration: This has serious connotations. It might even suggest that a bored or sleeping audience should be left with themselves. It also conveys that we should not force students to listen, considering it is too much for them. But, we cannot make this our belief as we know that we have to share the learning and observations in spite of their falling interest.

Consideration carries a holistic approach to Speaking or Writing. We should CONSIDER and Acknowledge their ‘Needs and Expectations’. There need is knowledge or information and expectation is that they will be given time or space to comprehend the contents. That is why movies keep some space for comedy or a fight sequence where the main narrative gets slow. In the classroom, teachers need to consider these two along with the demography and all other factors that affect the ‘attention’. It will not be expected that your listeners can see you in the darkness or can write in the darkness or can listen to you amid the noise. We cannot talk in the biblical metaphors with the kindergarten kids and will not opt for rhymes with those in their graduations. We shall not argue, in speaking or writing, with the elderly or seniors. We have to consider the age-gender-health-social status while we compose our message and select the medium for that. Consideration makes you ‘Considerate’. Not just fellow-feeling but it transforms you into a speaker or writer who is allowed to speak through words. Remember that a Considerate Communicator will always do a sincere Audience Analysis.

Clarity: Clarity of Thought and Clarity of Expression! Once you get the idea, thoughts follow. Then you form or frame sentences keeping the medium in mind. It is transmitted to the receiver who is to respond as you intend. If the required response does not occur, the fault is to be investigated. The very first onus comes on the Sender. Have you composed the message with clarity? Have you used the words that convey the same thing you thought? Are there any ‘otherwise’ or ‘misleading’ connotations in the message? If you get an affirmative to any of these, correct that and bring the synergy in your IDEA –THOUGHT-MESSAGE.  Confusing or vague messages are treated by the medicine of Clarity. Keep your Mind and Message on the same track. There should come no need to add, ‘Actually what I wanted to say here is……’ Keep the thumb rule: 'Precision leads to perfection'

Say What You Intend to Say Right at The First Time You Release Your Words.

Once attained, the three qualities must be kept in existence of all communication. Your life can turn into lives; your communication should remain One!

Let’s Inherent these suggestions:

  • Be Credible, Don’t LIE!
  • Be Credible, if it is good, appreciate it!
  • Be Credible, accept that you know or don’t know!
  • Be Credible, if the audience is giving you time, come prepared!
  • Be Credible, Own your words and Use them Cautiously!
  • Be Credible, understand your audience!
  • Be Credible, Maintain Consistency or Improve Your Communication!

The trinity helps in making a mark in Public Speaking, Creative Writing, and Academic Writing as well.

About the Author
Author: Parveen Sharma Website:
'You Create Yourself' is the belief that drives EklavyaParv! It is a Life Long Learning Mission with firm belief in the philosophy of Eklavyaism. We share learning on Communication Skills, EdTech, Life Skills, Blended & Innovative Learning and Insights about Career, Skills and Lifelong learning. Founded by Parveen Sharma, EklavyaParv is part of various pioneering initiatives like EduSoMedia, EduPodcasts, PodMOOCs and Skill-ogy. He is a faculty of English, Communication Skills with globally acknowledged expertise in EdTech and Innovative Teaching. You can listen to his podcasts on all leading platforms.