Purpose of Web-Based Writing

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Writing for the Web or Web-based Writing is the most developed form of writing these days. There are certain important things to keep in mind when you write for the Screen, not the pages.  All writing, whether it is in literature or research or academics, is online. People read online on their devices. 

Web-Based Writing is not an alien domain of communication; it is an integral part of the Communication phenomenon. It has to be very considerate for the reader as there is no enforcement on the user to stay on the page.

The 5 Ws form the basic assumption of Web-Based Writing and make the content writer active.

The tools mentioned above are:

  • Who
  • What
  • Where
  • When
  • Why

The option to ‘opt out’ is always with the visitor and we cannot do anything about this. As we discussed the Difference between Web-Based Writing and Writing for Printing, a discussion on the Purpose of Web-Based Writing becomes a need of the hour. Content writing is an art, still has a professionally-oriented purpose to it.

The writer has the herculean task of writing for those whom he has never met or even talked to. There is a rare possibility that the content writer meets the real-possible visitors of the website or blog. Hence the Making of a Persona, to draw the accurate contour of expression, is obligatory for a good Web Writer.

The objectives are not much different from what we do through communication but there are specific descriptions of a couple of objectives. See Details:

Purpose/Objectives of Web-Based Writing:

  • Persuade: The content has to convince the Reader/Visitor/User through the content. Convincing can be done by quoting making sentences that are captivating and have the power to match with the expectations of the user. As we are talking of Writing for the Web, it becomes slightly different from the printed persuasive tools. In Print, one has the facility to create ‘Physically Evident’ tools or pieces. The purpose of persuading is directly implemented by handing over the ‘persuasive literature’ to the subject/reader. Nevertheless, Persuasion remains the primary factor in communication and speaks rightly in WbWriting. ©EklavyaParv: Learning Content
  • Inform:
    • Web-Based Writing must not neglect this responsibility of ‘Giving Right Information’ at the ‘Right Time’ to the ‘Right Person.’ People are to be informed and there is one major thing that sets this purpose apart from others, i.e. Informational Content Writing must be in, Real Time’, as we have read it in the Nature of Web-Based Writing that readers have the choices to pick from. Your website can remain in the ‘bookmarks’ only when the content is there.

             "Write to Inform; not to impress!" ©EklavyaParv: Learning Content

  • Entertainment: It means ‘going by the likes and dislikes’ of the possible readers. The writer keeps the Persona in mind and develops such content that is capable of generating interest in the reader/user. To appreciate the interests and hobbies of your client and arranging the content as per the likes-priorities is what Entertainment is. This purpose of the content must be taken care of.
  • Change Behaviour: Elaboration Likelihood Model of Advertising and Psychology speaks what works here. The Content is the King and the kingdom of Users can be kept in rule through captivating-impressive content only. Following Direct and Peripheral routes of efforts to change the perception, attitudes, and behaviour of the user/readers is an objective. The Change in behaviour takes place when the reader has gone through the Persuade, Inform and Entertainment steps.
  • Enforce Compliance: Try to remember the UI- User Interface of any good E-Commerce/Online Shopping website. How do they keep you engaged and try to follow the route of bringing a change in your attitudes and behaviour about shopping? This is an objective that must be realised if the Content has brought the user to the behaviour re-think stage. Here comes the "Order Now", "Shop/Join Now", "Become a Member", "Submit" like options that are called 'Enforce Compliance' for the User.
  • Vanity: NO to Vanity-  The Content Writer must keep one thing in mind that Vanity is an enemy and must not be valued beyond control. The Reader is the Supreme receiver of the content and while writing for the web, one must keep an eye on the Persona of the possible user/reader.

Hence, the purpose is what we understanding as to the objective of the Content. It is communication and the purpose is to communicate.

About the Author
Author: Parveen Sharma Website: https://linktr.ee/teacherparv
'You Create Yourself' is the belief that drives EklavyaParv! It is a Life Long Learning Mission with firm belief in the philosophy of Eklavyaism. We share learning on Communication Skills, EdTech, Life Skills, Blended & Innovative Learning and Insights about Career, Skills and Lifelong learning. Founded by Parveen Sharma, EklavyaParv is part of various pioneering initiatives like EduSoMedia, EduPodcasts, PodMOOCs and Skill-ogy. He is a faculty of English, Communication Skills with globally acknowledged expertise in EdTech and Innovative Teaching. You can listen to his podcasts on all leading platforms.