Gender Bias in Communication

The World is a complicated place to live in but there is no other place to go. The alternative we have is to correct some ways of living and some of the words we use to establish our existence. When these words go wrong, we need to check how to mend the ways and put our best words forward. In this pandemic age, there is one more sense-demic happing. We are biased in our use of language when it comes to Gender Sensibility, Equality and Equity.

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Saki - Hector Hugh Munro - known for short stories that have a surprising ending. The complex bundle of the narrative gets unfolded with a surprise that even the readers might not visualise. The stories are still connected and do not lose the reader's interest. Dusk is a hallmark of Saki's writing genius. 
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This is a podcast from the LearningRadio Team. The blessings of mechanized farming as opposed to the uncertainties of traditional methods of ploughing the land is the theme of 'Two red Roosters'. In the process, the superstitious beliefs and practices of our villagers stand exposed.

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Indian Flag

What does it mean to be an Indian? It means to be Independent! It also means to be responsible and someone who feels for the country, each part and particle of its life. Living Our Own Lives with utmost honesty and honour is what the nations want to do.
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The Gurudev we know as Rabindranath Tagore has written some of the timeless masterpieces for us to read. It is magical that we read the stories for something in the beginning and by the time the story concludes, we have experienced an immense amount of emotional turmoil that seems to do the catharsis of our heart.

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हिन्दी साहित्य में केदारनाथ सिंह को पढ़ना, सुनना और समझना आपको अलग ही संसार में ले जाता है। उनकी एक कविता प्रस्तुत है। एक पॉडकास्ट के रूप में आप इसे सुन सकते हैं। शीर्षक है - नदियाँ। वाणी प्रकाशन के संकलन - पचास कविताएँ - नयी सदी के लिए चयन से ली गयी ये कविता काफी-कुछ बोलती है, कहती है और समझाती है। आइये सुनते हैं TeacherParv पॉडकास्ट में!

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'A Cup of Tea' is a modernist style short story written by Katherine Mansfield in 1922. Rosemary, the protagonist, is caught up in a fantasy of helping others, but it doesn't go as planned. This post takes you to a Podcast and further reading about the story. 

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A Stage is a cruel place for those who come unprepared or even less equipped. When we are on the other side, as the audience, we are very strict and rigid to give any 'novice' leverage to a speaker. It is rational to expect from a Public Speaker. If you are planning to make a speech, do remember that the stage isn't a place to rehearse or practice.

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Every individual shares a multifaceted relationship with colleagues at the workplace. As it is known to all that human beings are not machines who can start working within seconds or at a push button. They need someone to talk, to discuss ideas and to share their happiness and other emotions.

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Your Career is unpredictable; your preparations can't be! The communication you do with your future is a matter of rethink now, not because you have been doing something wrong, but the way you are delaying the preparation shall be treacherous for the career.

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Group Discussion is a Collective Effort for Collective Knowledge. GD is a popular part of the hiring process in the world and is a popularly known pain-area for job aspirants. It also holds a crucial role in the day-to-day working of the companies and even life. Most of the times, a GD fails because of the people who participate.

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The 'problem of communication' is the recent challenge for the modern world. It is not like that we are not able to speak or write, or there is a breakdown of internet or postal services. The failure of communication has occurred because both the parties are not ready to give a reception to the other. 

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English is a commodity and this is going to earn you a good reputation as well as return in future. We were told by the legendary Prof. K. K. Kathuria at the Department of English, Kurukshetra. When the Linguistics subject was introduced we were unaware of what Phonetics actually is

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The Parts of Speech

Language comes before Grammar! Grammar is an attempt to describe a language. Hence, the language stands supreme and we as subordinates depend on the grammar of the language to access its virtues and mysticism. To Master the English Language, we need to understand how it works and what makes it work.

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Note Taking is one of the primary skills that we need in all organised jobs. It is not just about assisting someone and then taking notes; it is all the more important when you are part of a work-chain where Notes written by you are decisive agents of further actions. As the demand for nursing professionals is on the rise in the whole world so is the role of Skilled Professionals is on the rise.

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Miracle by Kartar Singh Duggal is a short story about unimpeachable faith of mankind. By contrasting the miracle of the Guru's Palm with the incidents of the 1920s, Duggal is able to question the power of faith to accomplish everything. An otherwise innocent tale suddenly lights up with the intrusion of reality.

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